Course Offered – B.Ed.,
with annual intake of 100
- Physical Science
- Biological Science
- Maths
- History
- English
- Singing competition
- Miming competition
- Art from waste competition
- Skit competition
- Rangoli competition
- Singing (group) competition
- Seminar
- Panel discussion
- Debate
- Symposium (By Students)
- Women’s Day Competition
- Dance Competition
- X’mas tree decoration competition
Fee as per Government: ₹ 30,000/- p.a.
Ask with memorial Centre for the Blind, Palayamkottai.
Florence Swainson Hr. Sec. School for Deaf, Palayamkottai.
Bishop sergeant Mentally Retarded School, Palayamkottai.
Study tour – Visited MYSORE, BANGALORE- 3 days (11-03-2018 to 13-03-2018)
- Seminar Hall: 67 sqm
- Multipurpose Hall: 134 sqm
- Language Lab: 51 sqm
- Psychology Lab: 85 sqm
- Work Experience Lab: 77 sqm
- Technology Lab: 102 sqm
- Computer Lab: 84 sqm
- Science Lab: 79 sqm
- Library: 87 sqm
- Principal Room: 25 sqm
- Staff Room: 42 sqm
- Office Room: 44 sqm
- Sports Area: 1250 sqm
Other Available Facilities
Canteen facilities available
Hostel facilities available
Own College Bus available
Aqua Purified Water
Fire Extinguisher
In our College we have a science lab with 79 sqm of Area and 4 experiment tables having Monocular Inclined Microscope, Student Microscope, and Olympus Microscope model HSA, Specimens, Eye Model, Ear Model, Brain Model Circulatory System – Model, Digestive System Model, Respiratory System Model, and Heart Model. In addition with that we have Slides, Plain Slides, Watch Glasses, Cover Slips, Glycerin, Saffranine, Formalin, and Measuring Jar of 50ml, 10ml, and 5ml, Conical Flask 250ml, Test Tubes, Test Tube Stands, Dissection Box, Test Tube Holders, Dropper Bottles and Fast Green.

We have 51 sqm Area of Language Lab having Amplifier cum Cassette Player, Head Phones, Microphone Sets, Speakers, Voltage Stabilizer, Cassettes and Working Table Stools. (Digital language lab work in progress)
We are having the Technology Lab of 102sqm Area with recent and Latest Technology. The lab is fully Air Conditioned with Home Theater, having 150 seats. The lab contains OHP, LCD, TV, DVD, TAPE RECORDER, COMPUTER, DIGITAL MIXER, AMPLIFIER, PORTABLE CORDLESS SPEAKER SYSTEM, STRANGER, and CORDLESS COLAR AND HAND MIC. The Theater is digitalized with 5.1 surround system.

We are having the Computer lab of 84 sqm with fully Air Conditioned, of 17” 24 colors Monitor computers inter connected Network and with Inter Net Connection, writer and Printer facilities. Separate rolling chairs for students.
In our college we have Psychology lab of 85 sqm. having 4 testing tables with General Mental Ability Test for students of 8 to 12 years, General Mental Ability Test for students of 13 to 18 years, Children personality Questionnaire (form A&B), Self Concept Scale – Rastogi, Test for Short Term Memory, Test for Long Term Memory, Jung Words association Test Sheets, Nonsense List, Meaningful words List, Gr. Test of intelligence Jalota, Pass Along Intelligence Test, Koh Block Design Test, Bhatia Battery Performance Test of Intelligence, Aesthesio Meter Calliper – Point, Drawing Simple With 100 Stir Sheets, Tachistrascope (Falling Door Type), Finger Dexterity Board, Tweezer Dexterity Board and GMAT (20 – 52 yrs).

In our College we have a science lab with 79 sqm of Area and 4 experiment tables having Spectrometer 6” College Grade, Sodium vapour Lamp 35 Watts, S.V. Lamp Transformer 35 W, Deflection Magnetometer, Bar Magnets 5 cm, Potentiometer 10 Wires, Eliminator 2 – 12 V, Tangent Galvanometers, Single keys, High Resistance, Stop Clocks ESAL, Galvanometers, Meter Bridges, Lechlanche Cells, Resistance Box Single dial, Spectrometer Prism, Voltmeters, Rheostats 10”, DPDT Switches, Ammeters, Reverse Switches, Meter Scales, Reagent Bottles 250 ml N/M, Daniel Cells, Conical Flasks 250 ml (Borosil), Beakers 250 ml (Borosil), Burettes 50 cc (Borosil), Burette Stands, Test Tube Stands, Glass Slab, Glass Prism(large),Wire, Pipette(20 ml), Phenolphthalein Solution.
Total No. of Books – 5238
Number of Journals – 16
No. of Encyclopedia – 22
Total seating capacity – 50

Sports Area : 1250 sqm [Own Playground]
Sports Categories
Volley ball,
Basket ball,
Ball Badminton,
Foot Ball
Chess (Indoor)
Carrom (Indoor)

Our Achievements
- Over All Championship in Cultural Competition held in St.Xavier’s College of education, Conducted by MANONMANIAM SUNDARANAR UNIVERSITY, Tirunelveli.
- Winner in Women Basket Ball in Karungulam Block Level Games.
- Runner Up in Women Volley Ball in Karungulam Block Level Games.
- Runner Up in men Hockey in Karungulam Block Level Games.
- Runner Up in men Basket Ball in Karungulam Block Level Games.
- Winner in Women 4x100mts Relay in Karungulam Block Level Sports.
- Got many prizes in the competitions conducted by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Department of Youth Welfare Association.